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I adore Rock Buntings and we’re lucky enough to have them nesting in the garden – so why did I feel it was necessary to trek to the top of a mountain for this shot? No reason really, the shot was there and sometimes one simply doesn’t see the beauty we have on our own doorstep ….


This is a species that a lot of people like to see when they come to the Quinta. They arrive back late from migration, typically getting in during the first week in May, one of our last arrivals, but they make their prescence felt from day 1 by singing from any available perch.


Linnet-20090506, originally uploaded by Paradise in Portugal.

Friends and family will know of my quest for a decent shot of a male Linnet in breeding plumage …. Well, this shot’ll do for the present and I’ll keep trying for that one I know is waiting for me somewhere!


This is the photo I’ve been longing to take. I love the way that the Nuthatch uses old Woodpecker nests, reducing the size of the entrance hole with mud to prevent larger birds raiding its nest, as in this picture. I’ve been keeping a special look out for one, and today, while Daniela and I were doing a Common Birds Census for SPEA, the Portuguese Bird Study Association, I had my chance and grabbed it!


Fresh back from Africa, I found this Red-rumped Swallow preening itself just outside Santa Clara while taking the children to school a few days ago …. OK, it has nothing to do with the Quinta, but they’re one of my favourite species and I hope that they breed again with us this year. I s’pose this picture is pure self indulgence – I just want to be able to see it when I next open this blog!